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Responsible entrepreneurship takes into account the principles of value-orientated action and leadership. Entrepreneurial success, social responsibility and values go hand in hand. This characterises the responsible cooperation with our clients at all levels.

We have the expertise and imagination to develop and communicate concepts, structures and practical solutions. We approach problematic constellations with positive determination. With competence, integrity and reliability. This is the only way we are sustainable. With sustainability above all on an economic, business and societal level, we also help our clients, including family businesses, to be successful. Today and in the future.

Living our values means actually doing so. In the decades of our work, pro bono activities, social engagement and the active promotion of art and culture have been an expression of our value-orientated actions. One example in the field of international cultural exchange is the art exhibition organised by Dr. Daniel Häret „Le regard sur la France – Der Blick auf Frankreich, Peintres allemands et français à l´époque de l´impressionnisme et du symbolisme“ at the „Forum d’Art Franco Allemand“, Château de Vaudrémont, Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, in France.
The exhibition, which was organised under the patronage of the Prefect of the département Haute -Marne and the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, juxtaposed works by German and French painters. The location ‘Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises’, where the private estate ‘La Boisserie’ of former French President Charles de Gaulle is located, where he received Konrad Adenauer as the only foreign head of state, and where the Élysée Treaty, among other things, developed from this historic meeting, provides a special setting for the actively promoted Franco-German cultural exchange. The exhibition catalogue is available here.

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